Article Processing Charges

Article Processing Charges (APC) - Journal of Manuscript Studies

Thank you for considering the Journal of Manuscript Studies for the publication of your research. As part of our commitment to open access and maintaining high publishing standards, the journal levies Article Processing Charges (APCs) for accepted manuscripts.

APC Details:

1. Indian Authors:
- The APC for Indian authors is 3500 INR.

2. Foreign Authors:
- The APC for foreign authors is 100 USD.

What's Included:
- Rigorous peer-review process by experts in the field.
- Professional editorial support from submission to publication.
- Efficient and transparent editorial communication.
- Publication of accepted articles in an open-access format.

Payment Process:
- Upon acceptance of your manuscript, authors will be notified of the applicable APC.
- Payment details and instructions will be provided in the acceptance notification.
- Payment is required prior to the publication of the article.

Waivers and Discounts:
- Limited APC waivers may be available for authors facing financial constraints. Authors can request a waiver during the submission process, providing a brief justification.
- Special discounts may be offered for specific categories, collaborations, or promotions. Please check our website or contact us for any ongoing promotions.

Refund Policy:
- APCs are non-refundable once the article is published.

Contact Information:
For any inquiries related to Article Processing Charges or financial considerations, please reach out to our editorial team at

We appreciate your understanding and support in contributing to the open dissemination of knowledge through the Journal of Manuscript Studies. Your commitment to scholarly excellence is valued, and we look forward to showcasing your research to a global audience.